(Revised in October 2024)

(If THE HIRER is in any doubt as to the meaning of the following, the Booking Manager should be consulted.)


1. You, THE HIRER, not being a person under 18 years of age, hereby accept responsibility for being in charge of and on the

premises at all times during the period of hire when the public are present and for ensuring that all Standard Conditions

under the Agreement between us relating to management and supervision of the premises are met.


2. THE HIRER will, during the period of the hiring be responsible for the care and safety of the premises, the fabric of the

building and its contents and the behaviour and safety of all persons using the premises. Cars should be parked so as to

avoid obstructing the highway.

3. THE HIRER must be familiar with the Fire Safety Guidance and should inform attendees of the location of the First Aid Kit,

Fire Exits, Escape Routes and the Fire Assembly Point. THE HIRER must ensure that all fire escapes are kept clear of

clutter and in the event of any fire, no matter how small, call the Fire Service, even if you think it is out, and inform THE

TRUSTEES immediately.

4. Any failure in our equipment or in equipment brought in by you must be reported to us as soon as possible. You must report

all accidents involving injury to the public as soon as possible and record the details in our accident book.


5. THE HIRER shall not use the premises for any purpose other than that described in the hiring agreement, nor shall they sub-

let the premises for any purpose whatsoever. The premises may not be used in an unlawful way or for an unsuitable


6. THE HIRER shall ensure that no person attending the premises does anything or brings on to the premises anything which

is illegal or might endanger people or the building or render invalid any insurance policies covering the premises. This

includes highly flammable liquids which may not be used in any part of the premises.

7. 8. THE HIRER shall ensure that any electrical appliances brought to and used in the premises are safe and in good working

order and used in a safe manner in accordance with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989.

THE HIRER shall ensure that when the premises are being hired for an evening event, any music is turned off no

later than 23:30 and the volume of any music throughout the evening is not excessively loud to avoid any

disturbance to neighbours in the vicinity of the premises.

9. THE HIRER shall ensure that no fireworks, pyrotechnics or Chinese lanterns are let off inside or in the vicinity of the hall. No

candles are to be lit (other than those easily extinguished on a child’s birthday cake). No projectiles are to be fired within the

building unless under direct adult supervision and appropriate safety equipment and /or clothing is in use or worn by the


10. No bouncy castles are to be put up inside the hall.

11. Smoking in the hall is not permitted under any circumstances. THE HIRER must ensure that if your guests wish to smoke,

they do so outside and that their used cigarette ends are disposed of in a safe and tidy manner outside the building, so as

not to cause a fire. This condition is essential for the health and safety of all who use the building and insisted upon by our


12. Under The Deregulation Act 2015 THE HIRER must have our written permission to show a film, particularly to children who

must also be restricted from viewing age-restricted material. THE HIRER must have copyright a licence for the film.

13. Under The Deregulation Act 2015 THE HIRER must have our written permission for performance of live music and the

playing of recorded music.

14. If selling goods on the premises THE HIRER must comply with Fair-Trading Laws or any code of practice used in connection

with such sales. THE HIRER must ensure that the total prices of all goods and services are prominently displayed as must

the organiser’s name and address. Any discounts offered are to be based only on manufacturer’s recommended retail


15. THE HIRER shall ensure that no animal (including birds), except assistance dogs, is brought into the premises other than for

special events previously agreed in writing by the Hall Committee. No animal whatsoever is to enter the kitchen at any time.

16. Where activities involve children (under the age of 18) or other vulnerable adults THE HIRER shall ensure that access to

such children or vulnerable adults is carried out by fit and proper persons who have successfully passed DBS checks.

Children's parties are exempt from this condition when children’s parents are present. (Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act



17. Where the supply and consumption of alcohol forms part of the purpose of the hire agreement THE HIRER is responsible for

obtaining or making arrangements to obtain a licence to do so. The Village Hall Committee must be informed of and agree in

writing to the licensing arrangements prior to the event taking place.

18. 19. Alcohol may not be sold or supplied on the premises without a licence, and where a licence for the sale and supply of

alcohol exists it remains an offence to supply alcohol to any person who is drunk or under 18 years of age.

THE HIRER will be responsible for ensuring that the supply and consumption of alcohol is finished no later than


20. No illegal drugs are to be brought onto the premises

21. THE HIRER will be responsible for ensuring that neighbours in the vicinity of the hall are not disturbed by

excessively loud music or the behaviour of guests through the excessive consumption of alcohol.

22. 23. THE HIRER is responsible for ensuring that there is no contravention of the law relating to gaming, betting and lotteries

where the hire is being used for this purpose.

THE HIRER should ensure that their guests leaving the premises do so with the minimum of disturbance to

neighbours in the vicinity of the premises. This particularly applies to an evening booking where guests are leaving

late after an event.

24. A refundable deposit of £100 is required in respect of events which include the consumption of alcohol, £50 in respect of all

other events. This is to be paid together with the balance of payment ten working days prior to the event. Normally

refundable deposits are returned within ten days of the completion of the Agreement subject to forfeit of any expenses and

the account being paid in full.

25. At the end of the hire:

a) THE HIRER is responsible for leaving the premises and surrounding area in a clean and tidy condition. Any

contents temporarily removed from their usual position must be properly replaced, any rubbish generated during

the hiring, including discarded cigarette ends, must be removed from the premises, all windows must be secured,

and doors locked unless otherwise agreed.

b) All equipment and other property must be removed at the end of each hiring or fees will be charged for each day or

part thereof at the hire rate until the items have been removed. Regular users with prior written agreement by the

committee may store equipment or other property at their own risk.

c) Details of any damage, no matter how slight must be reported to the Trustees as soon as practically possible.

d) THE COMMITTEE reserve the right to make an additional charge in excess of the deposit paid should it be

necessary to provide additional cleaning or other services to render the hall or its grounds in a clean and tidy



26. THE HIRER shall comply with all conditions and regulations made by the Fire Authority, Local Authority, and Local Magistrates.

This is particularly important where the event includes public dancing, music, stage plays or similar public entertainment.

27. THE HIRERS require prior written agreement from THE COMMITTEE to add decorations or fixtures to any part of the

building. Unless otherwise agreed in writing they must be removed at the end of the hire and the premises made good to

the satisfaction of THE COMMITTEE.

28. When using the WIFI service THE HIRER always agrees to be bound by the following provisions:

i. Not to use the WIFI service for any if the following purposes: -

a) Disseminating any unlawful, harassing, libellous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene or

otherwise objectionable material or otherwise breaching any laws;

b) Transmitting any material that constitutes a criminal offence, results in civil liability or otherwise breaches

any applicable laws, regulations or code of practice;

c) Interfering with any persons use or enjoyment of the WIFI service; or

d) Making, transmitting or storing electronic copies of material protected by copyright without permission of

the owner;

ii. To keep any username, password, or other information which forms part of the WIFI service security procedure

confidential and not to disclose it to any third party.

26. We have the right to suspend or terminate our WIFI service immediately if there is a breach of any of the provisions of these

Standard Conditions including without limitation:

a) If you use any equipment which is defective or illegal;

b) If you cause any technical or other problems to our WIFI service

c) If, in our opinion, you are involved in fraudulent or unauthorised use of our WIFI service;

d) If you resell access to our WIFI service; or

e) If you use our WIFI service in contradiction of the terms of these Standard Conditions.

27. THE HIRER must not carry out or permit “fly posting” or any other form of unauthorised advertisements for any event taking

place at the premises or you will be required to compensate us for all actions, claims and proceedings arising from any

breach of this condition or risk prosecution by the Local Authority.


28. During the period of hire

i. THE HIRER is liable for:

a) the cost of repair for any damage (including accidental and malicious) done to any part of the premises including

its curtilage or its contents

b) the cost of repair of damage (including accidental and malicious) done to our WIFI service

c) all claims, losses, damages and costs made against us or incurred by us, our employees, volunteers, agents or

invitees in respect of damage or loss of property or injury to persons arising because of your use of the premises

(including the storage of equipment) and your use of our WIFI service

d) all claims, losses, damages and costs made against us or incurred by us because of any nuisance caused to a

third party because of your use of the premises and/or the use of our WIFI service, subject to sub section (ii) below

ii. THE COMMITTEE will take out adequate insurance to ensure the liabilities described in sub-clauses (i) (a) and (b)

above and may, in our discretion and in the case of non-commercial hires, insure the liabilities described in sub-clauses

(i) (c) and (d) above. THE COMMITTEE will claim on our insurance for any liability you incur but you must indemnify us


a) any insurance excess incurred and

b) the difference between the amount of the liability and the monies received under the insurance policy.

iii. where we do not insure against the liabilities described in sub-clauses (i) (c) and (d) above, you must take out adequate

insurance to ensure such liability and on demand must produce the policy and current receipt or other evidence of

cover to our Booking Manager. If you fail to produce such policy and evidence of cover, we will cancel the Agreement

and re-hire the premises to another. We are insured against any claim arising out of our own negligence.

29. THE COMMITTEE will take out adequate insurance to ensure the liabilities described in sub-clauses (i) (a) and (b) above

and may, in our discretion and in the case of non-commercial hires, insure the liabilities described in sub-clauses (i) (c) and

(d) above. THE COMMITTEE will claim on our insurance for any liability you incur but you must indemnify us against:

a) any insurance excess incurred and

b) the difference between the amount of the liability and the monies received under the insurance policy.

30. All property stored, brought into or left at the premises is done so at the owner's risk. THE COMMITTEE accepts no

responsibility for any loss or damage to any such property


31. THE HIRER may cancel the booking at any time prior to the event. A full refund of the deposit will only be given where

notice is given three months or more prior to the event. Notice given between three months and ten days prior to the event

will forfeit half of the deposit. Where notice is given ten days or less in advance of the event the deposit will be forfeit in full.

Where notice to cancel is brought about through exceptional circumstances the subject of forfeit may be re-considered by

the Village Hall Committee.

32. THE COMMITTEE reserve the right to cancel any agreement where the legality of the hire is in question.

33. THE COMMITTEE reserve the right to cancel any agreement in the event of the Hall being required for use as a Polling

Station. In this unlikely event you will receive a full refund of any deposit paid.


34. Anywhere the village hall uses personal data for the purposes of managing the hall, its bookings and finances, running and

marketing events at the hall, staff employment and its fund-raising activities, data may be retained for up to seven years and

for longer when required by the hall’s insurers. If you would like to find out more about how we use personal data or want to

see a copy of information that we hold about you, please contact the Booking Manager.



The address of Edington Village Hall is

Quarry Ground, Broadway, Edington TA7 9HA - or

‘What3 Words’ Location - downs.curls.acre

A copy of the Fire Risk Assessment Document has been placed in the fire safety file in the kitchen together with the first aid kit

and accident book. In the event of any FIRE call 999 from a mobile telephone or the telephone situated behind the bar area in

the Foyer.

Fire Safety Notes for Hirers and Responsible Persons

Before the event

Before the event or function THE HIRER or responsible person should be aware of:

⚫ How a fire will be detected and how people are warned

⚫ Existing fire protection systems

⚫ What to do if they discover a fire

⚫ Evacuation procedures, escape routes, exits and the location of the Assembly Point which is under the trees between

the hall and the road

⚫ Who will contact the fire and other emergency services and how this will be done (NB only use a fire extinguisher if you

are trained to do so.) and

⚫ What arrangements are needed to make for the safe evacuation of people identified as being especially at risk, such as

those with disability, children, visitors and contractors.

⚫ Who will be responsible for calling the fire and rescue service and any other necessary services.

⚫ Your plans to deal with people once they have left the premises,

especially children

⚫ who will meet the fire and rescue service on their arrival.

At the start of the event or function

THE HIRER or responsible person should

⚫ be aware of who has attended and the total number of attendees

⚫ notify those present of the location of exits and escape routes and the need to evacuate quickly (should the need arise)

leaving behind anything not immediately to hand. Attendees should not attempt to collect belongings that they do not

have with them.

During the event or function

THE HIRER or responsible person should ensure that:

⚫ Escape routes and exits do not become blocked and

⚫ Exit doors may be easily opened

⚫ No combustible material is placed in the escape routes

⚫ Fire doors are not wedged open

⚫ No smoking is taking place inside the building and that no naked flames are being used,

⚫ Rooms do not become overcrowded - the main hall is limited to 150 people and the Committee Room to 16.

⚫ Noise levels do not rise so as to drown out the sound of the fire alarm.

In the event of a Fire

THE HIRER or Responsible Person must

⚫ Set off the fire horn at the entrance to the hall.

⚫ Ensure that evacuation takes place to the Assembly Point and that people do not leave the grounds or block the roads.

⚫ Contact the Fire Service and other Emergency Services using 999

⚫ Conduct a roll call of attendees at the Assembly Point

⚫ Meet the senior Fire Officer at the entrance to the car park or arrange for them to be met

⚫ Notify a member of the Village Hall Committee

Only attempt to fight a fire

⚫ If the fire is small and not spreading. A fire can double in size in two to three minutes.

⚫ You can use the correct extinguisher for the type of fire.

⚫ If the fire will not block your exit if you cannot control it. Always keep your back to the exit.

⚫ If you know how to use the fire extinguisher. Do not attempt to read the instructions if a fire occurs.

Never fight a fire

⚫ If the fire is spreading rapidly - evacuate the building, go to the Fire Assembly Point and make certain that the Fire

brigade has been called.

⚫ If you do not know its cause - you won’t know what type of extinguisher to use

⚫ Remember if there is a lot of smoke that most fire related deaths occur from breathing the poisonous gases produced

by the fire

⚫ Remember - if in doubt get out and wait for the Fire Brigade

Terms & Conditions

Registered Charity (No. 278037)